August 02, 2009

Clip on Earring II

上篇讲到我要test Clip on Earring 的耐度,看会不会掉,以下是结果:-
佩戴时间:01/08 (11.30am) to 02/08 (6.30pm)
1. 掉了3次,两次是用毛巾擦脸后拉到,一次在外面放下bag时弄到。
2. 午觉,晚上睡觉到早上都没有掉.
3. 我的皮肤会敏感的,平时只能带金或银的耳环,戴这个没有敏感。
I've tested on the clip on earring that made yesterday morning and is the result:-
Wearing date and time: 01/08 (11.30am) to 02/08 (6.30am)
Vanue: home and restaurant for dinner
1. the earring has drop 3 times, 2 times drop while i wide my face with towel where another 1 while i'm putting down my bag in restaurant.
2. i've been wore it for a nap and sleep overnight, it remain on my ear.
3. No sentitive problem as normally i was sentitive to the material other than real gold or silver.
It's result was acceptable and satisfactory ^.^

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