January 23, 2011

Old Memory



有位老朋友去了日本工作,间中曾经想要恢复以往般的书信来往,可是他寄来了信而我却久久没有回信,实在惭愧:p 现在连地址都弄丢了。。。喂,你知道我在说你的,快email 我你的地址。

现在朋友每天在FB和MSN里见到,可是毕竟没有比收到亲手写的信温暖。也因为很久没有写字了,字体越来越丑,很多字也不会写了,更夸张的是有时写下写下竟然是写拼音出来 >.< 果然是时代科技的进步,确实人类自然本能的退步。。。

January 16, 2011

The Treasure

The true love, has been keep in the treasure box..... and awaiting for the true lover

January 10, 2011

Something in Process

Something in process for up coming valentine day, stay tuned~~

Classical Black

A necklace that request by my friend for her up coming dinner to be attend. Black is glamour.... and easy to match with any dress....

January 01, 2011

1.1.11 Year of Rabbit

Happy New Year to all of you~~~~~ may year of rabbit is full of happy, healthy, pretty and prosperity.

Some cover button rings I've made yesterday night, simple but cute.